Re: Reflect

Studio led by Timothy Moore and Georgia Nowak.

Re: is focused on the challenging topic of designing for Australia’s darkest history: The Frontier Wars. There was a lot of moral dilemma in this project - we didn’t have constant communication with the Indigenous Australians, moreover, I didn’t feel I had the right to design something that holds a lot of trauma. My studio design questions on how architecture can serve as a backdrop for people to communicate and share their feelings within a semi-enclosed and maze-like environment. The space does not hold physical information, but rather just the thoughts and feelings of those who visit the project.


The following are selected collages of the spaces of the environment. These collages were designed via a series of poems written specifically from different visitors’ feelings when visiting the installation.

Click on them to see which have a poetry attached.

The Map


The Theory

This project drew on a lot of written thoughts and text. Below is a condensed explanation of what contributed to this setup. I was inspired by ‘the doorway effect’ in which people’s psychology shifts in-between spaces. Given that the context of the project was rather confronting and overwhelming, I applied this theory, allowing people to shift their thoughts as they transition through space.
