A Routine to Fulfil - A List.

This was inspired by Rupi Kaur’s Writing Workshop

This morning, I caught up on one of my favourite author’s (Rupi Kaur) writing workshop. I’ve been stuck in a writing block and rut for a while, and so participating in these has really opened up floodgates of inspirational ideas. One part of the workshop included writing list poetry - which is one of my favourites. Coincidentally, I’ve illustrated snapshots highlighting my current routine at home! Highly recommend budding writers to give the workshop a go!

You can also listen to other writers’ amazing work here. It’s been a fun morning for me.

  1. Wake up and make my bed. There is something peaceful about smoothed down fabric and order.


2. Brush my teeth, feeling refreshed and ready.


3. Breakfast and nourishment. Feeling ready and motivated to go!


4. A bit of red lipstick and blush, so it gives me strength to pull it through.


5. Lists nested within lists, for my sanity and comfort. For I crave a sense of accomplishment


6. Station myself at my desk, surrounded by lush greens and ideas.


7. A stroll to continue my day perhaps, if I am craving more landscapes and hills


8. Or pulling up a chair, pointing toes and stretching out


9. Escape to another reality, whether it’d be text or the digital

10. Reaching out for company, voice, and affection.
